What is the Purpose of an IMEI Number?

Ever wondered what is the purpose of the IMEI number present in each and every mobile phone including yours? Many people do not even know that the IMEI number exists and the people who do know about its existence might not know for what purpose the number is used. The IMEI number can be used for a number of purposes. Well, the IMEI number is a unique number that is primarily used to identify a particular mobile phone. The IMEI number can also be used to locate lost or stolen mobile phones using IMEI number tracking.

IMEI Number Tracking

The IMEI number is a universal number unique to each device. The IMEI number is usually found printed inside the battery compartment of the phone but can also be displayed on-screen on most phones by entering *#06#. Almost all kinds of mobile phones must have an IMEI number on them.

There are many mobile phones sold in the markets that are not authentic. For this reason, you can use the IMEI number as it can help you to decide if a mobile phone is authentic or not while purchasing. If a mobile phone has a unique IMEI number then it would indicate that the mobile phone is authentic.

Besides this, you can also use the IMEI number to detect your lost mobile phone. The mobile phone nowadays is not only used as a means of communication but is also used to store important data and personal information. Besides this, losing a mobile phone means the user would have to purchase another mobile phone which could cost a lot of money. But using IMEI number tracking, you can find your lost mobile phone.

You can even find a mobile phone that has been stolen with the help of an IMEI number tracker. The IMEI numbers in a mobile phone are hard-coded into device hardware, making it difficult to change them without damaging the phone itself. Hence, if someone steals your phone, they can not change or remove the IMEI number making it easier for you to track your lost mobile phone.


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